“We are all lunatics, but he who analyses his delusion is called a philosopher.”
Ambrose Bierce
Warning: long.
But such a good insight it’s unreal!
She-ra the Great: Close your eyes and empty your mind. I'm going to ask you a series of questions and I want you to visual and describe what I ask you. You are walking through a forest... describe it to me.
The Kool Aid Kid: It’s so beautiful here... everything seems so green! The trees are huge, they must be very old and they reach up to the sky. I can see a perfectly blue sky and the rays of the sun are streaming the foliage, creating a soft dappled light in a thick forest, it’s really warm- a summer afternoon. There’s knee length grass here with lots of wild flowers that are really brightly coloured and there’s loads of butterflies flying through them. I can hear birds chirping and they occasionally fly in my line of sight. It seems a little cartoonish, very Disney; friendly somehow- what’s that about? It’s, really bright, the colours seem saturated somehow. And I can hear moving water in the distance.
StG: Do you see a path?
tKAK: No, but that’s ok, I’m happy to just walk through the grass and around the trees.
StG: In this forest, you come across a key... Describe it to me.
tKAK: It’s really beautiful. Big and silver; ornate with filigree- it looks valuable. It reminds me of a key that has a past or a secret, like it would open the door to the secret garden, something an archaeologist would have dug up and found because it looks very old. It’s not rusty or dirty considering it’s been on the forest floor.
StG: Do you pick it up?
tKAK: Of course. I put it in my pocket.
StG: You now come across a coin... describe it to me.
tKAK: It somehow looks like it belongs with the key. It’s big and bronze - it looks old and valuable.
StG: Do you pick it up?
tKAK: I put it in the pocket with the key.
StG: You now come across a cup... describe it to me
tKAK: It reminds me of the cups in my tarot cards. It’s big and made of gold. Inlaid with precious jewels and embossed with ornate patterns.
StG: Is there anything in the cup?
tKAK: Yes, it’s full of water: really pure, reflective.
StG: Do you drink the water?
tKAK: Yes. It’s really refreshing and makes me feel renewed. You know what? I think I’m going to keep hold of the cup to!
StG: Ok. You walk for a while, then come across a body of water... describe it to me.
tKAK: It’s the babbling brook I heard before! The water is really clear. There are plenty of fish and green, blue and purple pebbles in the floor of the brook.
StG: Do you swim in the water? Walk though it? Tell me what you do.
tKAK: It’s such a beautiful day, I take my socks off, roll up my jeans, sit on the edge of the brook and dip my legs in. It feels really good- it’s refreshing in the heat of the afternoon.
StG: Do you want to stay in the water?
tKAK: No. It’s been nice, but I can walk away from it. I’ll walk alongside it.
StG: Ok, now you come to a wall... describe it to me.
tKAK: It’s pretty. Old red brick and covered in ivy. It’s not that high, probably climbable, I can see the sun behind it and the forest to either side and beyond it.
StG: Does the wall seem scary to you?
tKAK: Not at all. Something about it feels familiar.
StG: Do you climb the wall?
tKAK: Actually... I part the ivy and find a huge studded oak door behind it. I take the key out of my pocket and use it to open the door. There is more forest beyond the wall... so I just keep on walking.
StG: You see a wild animal... what is it?
tKAK: It’s a red squirrel.
StG: Ok... What do you do with it?
tKAK: I give it a nut and continue on with my walk, I don’t think I should attempt to touch it.
StG: You’re leaving the forest now. What do you see through the trees?
tKAK: I see a beach! The sky’s moving toward sunset. I see my mum and the kids and my closest friends, a bonfire and hammocks- there’s a barbeque!
StG: how do you feel right now?
tKAK: Truly? At peace. It’s a nice feeling...
StG: What are you going to do now?
tKAK: I’m going to join my family... And eat!
My Co’d’s analysis:
The forest represents how you see your life, it’s a beautiful, warm and welcoming place for you. It’s a fairytale place... a place where dreams can come true. Somewhere you feel safe and comfortable. It’s colourful, bright and friendly; you have a positive vibe and a positive outlook, you question it because life fills you with intrigue. I like the fact you mentioned the trees were old. This means that history is important to you, in life your history shapes who you are. The trees that guard the forest are old, which indicates that you have learnt from lessons that life has taught you. The fact you hear birds, indicates what a musical person you are Ms.BF! Life has to have rhythm and we both know you move to the beat of your own drum... So does your forest!
The fact you don’t see a path means you don’t have a clear cut path for yourself in life. You’re happy you stroll and take the scenic route and experience the things as you pass them by.
The key represents how you feel about knowledge (and by extension education). You PICK the key up and it looks valuable to you... knowledge obviously means a lot to you dude.
The coin represents how you feel about wealth. You say it somehow matches the key and pick it up putting both coin and key in the same pocket. They both seem to be valuable and significant to you. This indicates that you feel that wealth and knowledge are linked to one another and that you value them equally.
The cup represents your religion. You had a BIG CUP so this means you are extremely spiritual. You mentioned your tarot cards and your faith is interlinked to your spirituality... and your cards- you use them all the time. It is extremely valuable to you. Its precious and you chose to keep it with you after you drink from it.
What is inside the cup represents your spirituality itself. Not only did you say that the cup was full, it was full of pure clean water and you drank it all! Your faith is clear to you and you are a very very spiritual person and have deep beliefs in the practise you follow.
The water... represents your... sexuality, sexual desires and urges... you heard water before I even mentioned it! This means you are a sexual being and that sex plays a part of your everyday life making it beautiful and rhythmic. The fact you dipped your feet in means you find sex playful and like to immerse yourself in it- but not too deeply...It wasn’t a huge body of water and you separated yourself from it easily enough –which indicates it isn’t the ‘be all and end of’ for you- but you chose to stay near it which means you like sex as an evident constant in your life. What juxtaposition!
The wall represents how you feel about death. You describe it as beautiful, full of nature and that you see above and beyond it. This suggests that you believe in life after death, it also implies that you feel like it’s natural. The fact the key unlocked the hidden door suggests that you feel that knowledge unlocks door to your afterlife. You weren’t scared and walked straight into another forest- or another life.
The wild animal represents how you feel about your problems and you picked a SQUIRREL! This suggests you find your problems insignificant. You fed it a nut which means you acknowledge your problems- you fed it but didn’t overindulge it, you acknowledge your problems but you don’t dwell. You weren’t scared or threatened- you walked away from it easily.
The scene through the trees was what you wish for the future. You want to be at peace, relaxed, surrounded by family, friends and food, what better place to be?!
A complete waste of time? Oh well. You read it.
XOXO The Kool Aid Kid
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