Thursday, 14 October 2010

The Kool Aid Kid discovers greatness...

When wandering down Drury Lane (yes people, home to the muffin man) today, I discovered the most amazing shop and promptly spent £70 on jewellery.

I have an illness... I'm aware of it...

Happie Loves It !!!!

Clothes seem hand made, the designs are fresh, urban and kooky.

Happie combines the perfect mix of tea dresses, structured skirts and shirts and kooky, bling'd and snuggly accessories.

So get your butts on

I immediately fell in love with several items and have convinced the boy toy to take me there another day.


Love at first sight.

If only all relationships were that easy...


The Kool Aid Kid

Monday, 11 October 2010

The Kool Aid Kid... And her glitter fixation

I swear to you all... Heaven will be full of sparkles...

Until we get there....

Shoegasm fix.

Thank you Mr Louboutin!


The Kool Aid Kid

Saturday, 9 October 2010

The Kool Aid Kid.... Jnr Shoe Shopping...


Might as well get the shoe fetish started early.

At least I'm being practical!!!

They'd be great for winter weather and could take on snow...

Not that I'd ever let her wear them in the snow....


The Kool Aid Kid

Thursday, 30 September 2010

The Kool Aid Kid... Attempts to find the perfect wedding shoe.

Just not for my wedding...


Although you may have realised that already.

I've been obsessed with the above since 'If you see Amy'- Damn you Brittany!!!

How perfect are these for a wedding though?!?!?!?!

...If only I had Louboutin money....


The Kool Aid Kid

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Thursday, 26 August 2010

She Ra vents: i'm mad

No seriously....I'm REALLY mad.

Why is it every single time I log into my hotmail I get shit come up like '10 reasons your still single', 'what men really think of your makeup', 'things not to say to guys on a first date, 'how to be the 'one' in 5 easy steps'

thanks for the life advice hotmail, but quite frankly my advice to you is to go fuck the nearest phallic looking object lying around the office.

The problem with today's society is that we just aren't good enough. women are expected to be this android that does things in a venus fly trap manner to 'get her man'. Life isnt all about getting 'your man' by following pointless, and often detrimental advice, its about developing as a person, (not to sound like a douche) and discovering who you are. Who the fuck wants to end up looking like this bitch...,r:11,s:86&biw=1419&bih=632

Maybe I dont CARE what men think of makeup. Jesus christ, unless your a member of the band 'Kiss' then you have NO opinion on why we wear makeup. If we choose to wear bright red lips, or extreme cateyes, or wear enough bronzer to make us look a different ethnicity then we will. I had an ex who hated me in red lipstick, so I wore it all the time just to piss him off.

You wanna know WHY men hate makeup. Its because other dudes will pay you attention. funny how when you meet them, makeup is never an issue, and then all of a sudden, six months down the line its a problem. Also, a little FYI, we wear makeup for US, not for YOU. Its to make us feel better.

Every iconic woman throughout the ages has had her own distinctive makeup style. From Sophia Loren, to Bridgette Bardot (Nars and Mac both have items in their collection named bardot, in homage to her beautiful makeup pallette), to modern day icons such as Beyonce and  Kim Kardashian. Lets face it, it makes us feel incredible, and you would never leave the house looking like toasted shit just because some dickhead said you look better without mascara.

Noone looks 'better' without mascara.

Ladies next time a guy tells you to tone it down. Tell him to chuck out all his trainers. Lets see if he's willing to make the compromise.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

The Kool Aid Kid discusses hosiery

So by this point I'm pretty sure y'all know I love to shop...

And as a single mother there's nothing I love more than a bargain...

And as a lazy cow... there's nothing I love more than internet shopping.

So. I've been a fan of for several years now.

They sell amazing tights at pretty good prices- and ever since the 'seconds' shop Bodgers shut down I've found myself at a lose as to where to buy fashion tights at a snip of the price.

My gift to you- a couple of my finds:

Suspender tights; all the sexiness with minimal fuss.

Hold up tights; all the cuteness without all that 'hitching up'.



The Kool Aid Kid